Writing Samples
UX Collective
Designing a pronoun selector isn’t just about ticking a box for inclusivity — it’s about respecting your users. This guide published with the UX Collective (Medium's largest design pub) breaks it down.
I wrote this article for the launch of Kahoot!'s first pride campaign, which made Drops the first language app to include vocabulary lessons primarily celebrating LGBTQ+ experiences. Learn more about the full campaign here in my portfolio.
I wrote this after surveying our Ukrainian users, one year after Russia invaded Ukraine. (Drops delivered over 200k premium subscriptions in that year, you can read more about the full project in my portfolio). Reading the hundreds of stories in this project is something that will stay with me for a long time. 💙💛
Revamping our full content structure at Drops was one of the largest projects I undertook as Head of Learning Content at Drops. I wrote the promotional material for this feature, describing the improvements we made for the learning experience.